
User manual

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Clicking on the bell icon in the upper right corner will give you access to account-wide notifications.
Header and access icon for the notifications section
Header and access icon for the notifications section
This section contains premium keyword and peak interest notifications for all campaigns in your account.

Premium Keyword

Premium keywords are important keywords for which you will receive a notification when a company searches for them. For example, you may be interested in knowing in real-time when someone is searching for your Brand Name.

You’ll find two filters that allow a refined search:

  1. Campaigns: allows you to select which campaign to display in notifications
  2. Premium keyword: allows you to select a specific premium keyword to be displayed
Filters for premium keywords notification selection
Filters for premium keywords notification selection
Notification of Premium Keywords
Premium Keywords Notifications

For each search, you will display:

  • Dates: the date for which the research was done
  • Premium keyword: the keyword that you listed as premium
  • Search term: the search performed, which triggered the notification. This includes or corresponds to the premium keyword
  • Company: the company that carried out that research
  • Campaigns: the name of the referenced VisionSphere campaign.

Changes in Interest

Peaks of interest refer to significant changes in a monitored company’s searches, such as going from 0 searches per day to 10.
This defines the right time to contact a target company with a business engagement action by virtue of a considerable increase in VS Points overnight.

You will find a filter that allows you to refine your search:

  1. Campaigns: allows you to select which campaign to display in notifications
Filters for selecting changes of interest.
Filters for selecting changes of interest
Notification "Change in interest"
Notifications of changes in interest