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Leader Machines Solutions (LMS) is a young company operating in the industrial sector and specialising in the production of innovative machinery and equipment for leather tanning. LMS aspires to be at the forefront of change, anticipating market trends and actively listening to feedbacks from Italy’s main tanning districts: Solofra, Santa Croce sull’Arno and Arzignano. These districts house the majority of Italian tanneries, and the high concentration of these tanneries makes them focal points for understanding real market needs and developments.
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In the Solofra district, LMS has detected a strong interest expressed towards machinery that improves the quality of the leather produced, with a particular focus on solutions that guarantee greater precision in the tanning process. In particular, VisionSphere intercepted a large volume of research for this type of machinery: “Pressa idraulica per cuoio” (Hydraulic press for leather) and “Tecnologie di misurazione spessore pelle” (Leather thickness measurement technologies).
In the Arzignano leather district, LMS has seen interest growing towards innovative solutions that reduce the environmental impact of leather tanning. VisionSphere highlighted a significant volume of research on sustainability-related topics, such as “Tecniche di concia senza cromo” (Chrome-free tanning techniques), “Tecniche di concia naturale” (Natural tanning techniques) and “Tecnologie per il riciclo dei sottoprodotti conciari” (Technologies for recycling tanning by-products). In addition, significant interest was noted in the latest technologies in the sector, with research on ‘Automation and new technologies’ such as ‘Robots for leather handling’ and ‘Automation systems for leather processing’.
In the tanning district of Santa Croce sull’Arno, LMS has observed a particular focus on legislation and regulations in the sector, with extensive research on “Regolamenti REACH per la concia dei pellami” (REACH regulations for leather tanning), “Normative ambientali per gli impianti conciari (Environmental regulations for tanning plants) and “Certificazioni ambientali per i processi di concia” (Environmental certifications for tanning processes). In addition, VisionSphere highlighted the growing interest for investments into advanced technologies, as indicated by research on ‘New calls for Industry 4.0 and 5.0 investments’ and ‘Financing for company digitisation’.
In the following months, and after a thorough analysis of the results from the District View campaigns, LMS adapted its commercial and marketing strategies to maximize business opportunities in the three Italian tanning districts, introducing innovative and targeted approaches.