Find new potential B2B customers - VisionSphere

What can you do with Visionsphere?

Find out how VisionSphere can help you in business development!

A tool dedicated to commercial

A help in everyday activities: for new business development, for customer activities already acquired and for the collection of insights deriving from marketing activities. With VisionSphere you can develop 7 different campaigns with 3 different objectives.
Find out what you can do with VisionSphere!

New Business Development and Analysis

Identify and qualify new business opportunities in real time and understand the needs of specific market areas or sectors

Prospect Qualify

Qualify the best sales opportunities in real time

Market Analysis

Identify the need expressed by a certain geographical area

District View

Understand the needs of an industrial district

Analysis of behaviour towards Competitors

Offers the ability to prevent infidelity of customers and identify new potential customers by monitoring competitors

Infidelity Rate

Check if your customers are looking for your competitors

Competitor Monitoring

Find out which of your potential customers are looking for your competitors

Monitoring of your Brand

Measure the impact of online marketing campaigns and offline activities on potential customers

Brand Recognition

Discover the value generated by marketing campaigns on your potential customers

Fair Metrics

Assess the impact before & after a trade show by focusing on your potential customers

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