Fair Metrics

Assess the impact of your investments in trade shows and events you attended

With the Fair Metrics feature, you can assess the impact of your investment in trade shows and events, then quantify the effectiveness of your actions and discover how to optimize your choices.

Use your brand name as a signal of the growing impact of your investments.
VisionSphere Screenshot: How does the campaign overview work? Once the campaign is selected, the companies and their interest scores are displayed.

Fair Metrics

With this feature you can:
  • Measure the change in brand knowledge before and after a trade show or event
  • Compare pre-fair data with post-fair data to see if your brand is better known
  • Assess the direct impact of your marketing investments on potential customers

It allows you to

In simple words Fair Metrics allows you to:
  • Find out if your target knows your brand before the fair
  • Quantify the added reputation received by the brand after the fair
  • Quantify the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing activities
  • Obtain accurate and measurable data
  • Compare pre-fair and post-fair data


With Fair Metrics you can:
  • Optimise future investments poured towards fairs and events
  • Concetrate the majority of your time on the most effective marketing activities
  • Make concrete suggestions with regards to how your brand awareness can be perfected

Case Study: RockBusters Technologies Ltd

Case Study
RockBusters Technologies Ltd

  • Year of establishment: 1994
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Turnover: € 290 Mln
  • Industry: handling machinery
  • Main goal: precisely monitor and quantify the effectiveness of investments in the international trade fair in Germany


RockBusters Technologies Ltd, a leading manufacturer of attachments for excavators used in demolition, crushing and filtering of materials, is recognised globally for the quality and innovation of its products. Based in the UK, the company capitalises on brand visibility and the opportunities offered by trade shows. This year, unlike in previous ones, it decided to attend only one trade fair in Germany, focusing on analysing the effectiveness and impact of its investment.
Despite regularly attending trade shows, RockBusters did not, prior to VisionSphere, have an effective method of calculating its return on investment (ROI) other than to place a value on the new customers acquired through the trade show, a process that in B2B can take several months, if not years. The company is therefore looking for a quicker and more accurate method to assess the impact of its participation.
In order to achieve this, RockBusters has chosen VisionSphere and its Fair Metrics function, a tailor-made function created for companies wanting to participate in trade fairs that can monitor the interest of target companies on a daily basis before and after the event.


RockBusters’ objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of participation in the chosen trade fair in terms of visibility, brand reputation and qualified contacts met. To achieve this, the company uses VisionSphere to:
    1. Measure brand awareness from a sample of target companies before and after the trade fair in which it participates as an exhibitor
    2. Compare pre-fair and post-fair data to understand whether the brand is better known
    3. Assess the direct impact of its marketing investments on potential customers
Let’s take a detailed look at how the company implements this strategy to achieve its goals.


Fair Metrics is a VisionSphere function that monitors target companies before and after a trade fair event to help companies qualify business opportunities faster and more effectively and thus calculate ROI (Return On Investment) faster. To do this, this function should be activated about three months before the event to monitor the companies you expect and want to meet during the exhibition to get an initial snapshot of their knowledge of your brand and what searches they perform online. The monitoring should then continue for the months following the trade fair so as to have the same snapshot after the event and be able to subsequently compare the data from the two periods: before and after speaking directly with the company at the trade fair.

Information gathering

RockBusters starts by compiling a precise list of target companies it wants to contact during the trade fair in Germany, scheduled for 15 January 2025: Company A, Company B, Company C, Company D, Company E, Company F, Company G, Company H, Company I, Company L; with this information at hand, the company is ready to use the Fair Metrics function of VisionSphere.

Campaign creation

To best organise the data that VisionSphere will collect over the coming months, RockBusters creates a Fair Metrics campaign named after the trade fair event. The next step involves entering information about your business to help VisionSphere intercept only the searches relevant and significant for your industry and RockBusters.
The company enters information into the campaign such as:
  • Names of its products
  • Name of its brand
  • Competitors’ product names
  • Names of its main competitors
  • Name of the trade fair
  • Start date of the event
Once this information has been defined, all that remains for the company to do is to select the potential customers it would like to monitor. VisionSphere will start intercepting their relevant online searches daily with the data entered by RockBusters in the campaign.

Monitoring stage

Before the fair

Once the campaign is over, VisionSphere immediately starts monitoring the selected target companies, intercepting all searches related to the information entered by RockBusters. By activating the campaign a few months in advance, the company has enough time to monitor the interest these companies express in its products and brand prior to the trade fair.
During the monitoring period before the trade fair event in Germany, RockBusters discovers the following insights from the searches made by the target companies:
  • Company A: does not do research regarding RockBusters but frequently researches information regarding the trade fair.
  • Company B: sporadically searches online for a product of Rockbusters’ main competitor.
  • Company C: sporadically searches for the brand name of RockBusters and information about the trade fair.
  • Company D: did not generate any results.
  • Company E: searched for some products of different brands (but not RockBusters) and also information about the trade fair.
  • Company F: did not generate any results.
  • Company G: sporadically searches online for a specific RockBusters product
  • Company H: frequently searches online for a cement grinding product from RockBusters
Thanks to VisionSphere, RockBusters now knows when, what, from where and how often companies conduct searches, providing a clear picture of which companies already know the brand, which ones do not and which ones are interested in participating in the fair. With this information at hand, combined with the prolonged and constant monitoring period, RockBusters clearly defines the business profile of each monitored company and knows its interests.

During and after the fair

During the trade fair, the company makes contact with most of the target companies: Company A, B, E, F, G, H and I. After the event, RockBusters continues to monitor the target companies’ searches for at least 3 months to determine if there is a significant change from previous results.

Strategy adaptation

Just a few weeks after the trade fair, RockBusters decides to use the collected data to adapt its marketing strategies in a targeted and customised manner for each company encountered. Thanks to the detailed information provided by VisionSphere, it knows exactly what the target companies are looking for and can therefore create emails and sales campaigns tailored to their specific needs.

Let’s take a detailed look at how it has decided to act.

Companies that showed interest before or after the trade fair

For companies that have shown a growing interest in RockBusters’ products, customised emails are sent that directly address the needs identified during the monitoring phase, both before and after the event. For example, if a company has frequently sought information on RockBusters’ cement crushing products, the email will include details on the unique benefits of these products with relevant case studies.
At the same time, LinkedIn campaigns are launched that are adapted to reflect the specific interests of the target companies. Campaign content is designed to be highly relevant, highlighting how RockBusters’ products meet the exact operational and production needs of the target companies. This approach helps to keep interest high and stimulate further interaction.

Companies that showed less interest

For companies that have shown less interest, RockBusters implements broader information campaigns, seeking to educate them about the unique benefits of its products compared to those of competitors. Educational content such as whitepapers, webinars and blog articles are used to increase brand awareness and demonstrate the innovation and effectiveness of RockBusters solutions.
By using this greatly personalised and informed approach, RockBusters maximises the chances of conversion by cementing relationships with the most interested prospects and engaging less interested ones through an educational and targeted inbound strategy.


Let us also remember that RockBusters, thanks to VisionSphere, has had visibility on the list of target companies which searched for the names of its competitors. Having also included the specific product names of its competitors when creating its campaign, it now knows which prospets it is most interested in engaging with. Thanks to this valuable information, the company moves ahead by using communication strategies that compare its products with those of its competitors, focusing on the features the target companies most need and desire.


Thanks to the data provided by VisionSphere, RockBusters was able to initiate several business conversations with target companies. In particular, three companies showed particular interest in RockBusters’ products:
  • Company H: during the 3 months’ worth of monitoring period, Company H showed considerable interest in RockBusters’ products. After receiving a personalised email, Company H responded positively, initiating a series of in-depth conversations on technical specifications and product applications.
  • Company G: over the previous months, it had shown increasing interest in RockBusters’ products. The company then clicked on a targeted advertisement on LinkedIn and filled out a contact form, expressing a desire to learn more about the products and opportunities for integration into their production processes.
  • Company I: In the monitoring period prior to the event, Company I expressed interest in a wide range of RockBusters products. In response to an email marketing initiative, Company I initiated a discussion on possible long-term collaborations to meet their specific needs.
In addition, RockBusters has already organised a business meeting with Company H. This meeting represents a significant step towards converting a lead into an actual customer, demonstrating the effectiveness of the trade fair participation and customised marketing strategies implemented by RockBusters.

Key Benefits and Results

By exploiting the full potential of Fair Metrics, RockBusters achieved tangible results that optimised its performance at the fair in Germany and maximised its return on investment. Here is how this approach brought tangible benefits to the company:
  • Assessment of brand awareness prior to the trade fair: RockBusters was able to examine whether its target audience knew the brand prior to the event, providing crucial information on the level of brand awareness among potential customers interested in demolition, shredding and filtering materials.
  • Measurement of post-event interest: after the event, it was possible to analyse whether RockBusters’ brand was subject to more frequent searches, thus enabling them to quantify the effectiveness of its presence at the exhibition.
  • Calculation of return on investment (ROI): using Fair Metrics, RockBusters quantified the return on investment of its trade show-related marketing activities by assessing the impact of marketing strategies on generating qualified leads and business growth.
  • Obtaining reliable data: Fair Metrics provided accurate and measurable data, allowing RockBusters to accurately assess the effectiveness of its marketing strategies, enabling it to make informed decisions and identify areas for improvement for future trade show participation.
  • Comparison of pre- and post-event data: RockBusters was able to compare data collected prior to and after the event, gaining a clear insight into the evolution of brand awareness over time.


The use of VisionSphere’s Fair Metrics function enabled RockBusters to optimise its performance at the fair and measure its return on investment. The business conversations initiated with key target companies and meetings organised with potential customers testify to the tangible success of the marketing strategy implemented.

Looking to the future, RockBusters is now in a privileged position to continue maximising the value of its trade fair appearances, focusing resources on the most promising initiatives and consolidating its position in the global market for demolition, shredding and filtering products. With reliable data, focused strategies and an unwavering commitment to innovation, RockBusters is well positioned to maintain and strengthen its leadership in the industry.

Want to find out if your investments in events and fairs have been effective?

Quantify the effectiveness of your actions and find out how to optimize your next choices!